Growing the Republican Party

One of the  main goals of the Chairman of the Republican Party should be to increase the Republican voter base in the county.  After identifying areas for improvement for Party growth,  as Chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Party, Bryan Christ  networked with other conservative communties throughout the county to either bootstrap, or co-found, additional Republican clubs and organizations that could further the Party's reach.  Below are details of each organization Bryan has been involved in creating and their accomplishments: 

1. Hispanic Outreach

One of Bryan's top priorities as Chairman was to actively engage the Hispanic Community, which shares the Party's conservative values.  With trusted Hispanic conservatives, Bryan formed the Hispanic Conservatives of Montgomery County, an actively engaged organization that meets monthly to reach the Hispanic population with the Republican principles.

2. Community Engagement

An actively, engaged, Republican Club is essential to the Party's GET OUT THE VOTE effort.  Before Bryan Christ took office, there was not ONE countywide organization that existed for Republicans to gather.  With Republican leaders, Bryan helped to form the Montgomery County Republican Club which currently hosts quarterly Town Hall meetings in Conroe.  At these meetings, voters hear from, and ask questions, of their Elected Officials and make important political connections.

3. GET OUT THE VOTE - MCTX Republican Victory PAC

You may have seen signs around Montgomery County that encourage the community to vote Republican.  Red VOTE REPUBLICAN yard signs and LARGE four foot by eight foot signs can be seen during General Elections.  This is thanks to the efforts of many grassroots volunteers, who formed the MCTX Republican Victory PAC, that Bryan has worked with to increase the Republican vote in Montgomery County during General Elections.  

The volunteers have raised tens of thousands of dollars to print these signs and placed them throughout Montgomery County.  During the 2020 General Election, they also worked with the Hispanic Conservatives of Montgomery County to send over 30,000 flyers to Hispanic surname households, in both English and Spanish, promoting the conservative principles the Party supports.  It encouraged them to VOTE REPUBLICAN to support their family values.

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Disclaimer: There has been an effort by Party dividers to try to slander these fine organizations, calling them the "Chairman's PACs".  Groups raising funds for politics are required, by state law, to form Political Action Committees.  All of these Political Action Committees are non-endorsing, meaning they don't get involved in dividing Republicans by picking one Republican over another.  INSTEAD, they ONLY promote the Republican cause and assist our Republican Party by growing our Republican community.  These divisive tactics are not new and only require a little research to disprove.

Engaging Current Republican Clubs

One of the  main goals of the Chairman of the Republican Party should be to increase the Republican voter base in the county, and accomplishing this goal includes forming alliances with Republicans all over our county.  As Chariman of the Montgomery County Republican Party (2020-2024) Bryan Christ actively engaged with all of the Republican Clubs that exist in Montgomery County: East Montgomery County Republican Women, Lake Conroe Area Republican Women, Liberty Belles Republican Women, Montgomery County Republican Women, North Shore Republican Women, The Woodlands Republican Women, Magnolia Republican Club, and Woodforest Area Republicans.  Knowing that there is strength in numbers, Chairman Christ has promoted these organizations through the Party website and Newsletter, and by attending functions they organize.  They do a FANSTASTIC job reaching their communities and growing the Republican voter base.  

Life & Liberty Event - Co Hosted by Chairman Bryan Christ (2020) & All Republican Clubs
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Together with the Republican Womens' Clubs of Montgomery County, Chairman Christ raised over $70,000 for two Pro-Life Organizations: Life First & And Then There Was None.  They brought in speakers Allen West and Abby Johnson who spoke to a crowd of thousands at Conroe's Mims Baptist Church.

Get Out the Vote Rally - Co Hosted by Chairman Bryan Christ (2022), Victory Chair Laurie Clifton, & the Magnolia Republican Club
God & Liberty Rally - Co Hosted by Chairman Bryan Christ (2022), Victory Chair Laurie Clifton, & East Montgomery County Republican Women
Republican Victory Christmas Party - Co-hosted by Chairman Bryan Christ (2022), Victory Chair Laurie Clifton, & Republican Clubs

Conducting Elections

The Chairman of the Republican Party has many statutory duties surrounding conducting the elections.  One of them is to appoint Election Judges during the General Election.  In 2020, the county purchased new voting equipment which required the Republican Party to provide over 1,000 election personnel.  As Chairman, Bryan Christ rose to the task, again by understanding there is strength in numbers.  Bryan worked with Party Precinct Chairs, Republican Elected Officials, and grassroots volunteers to seek and hire all needed personnel.  What could have been a disaster allowed the Republicans in Montgomery County to show how united and efficient we are!  More details below:

As Your Republican Party Chairman (2020-2024), Bryan Performed Required Duties as Provided by Texas Law:
  1. Worked with Montgomery County Republicans to hire over 1,000 Election Personnel.
  2. Supervised and reported the Republican Primary election finances.
  3. Certified two Republican Primary elections.
  4. Processed over 300 Republican Primary ballot applications from Republican candidates.
  5. Appointed the Primary Ballot Board Chairman Dorothy Woodall who has had a 100% success rate.
  6. Maintained the Party's Executive Committee information on the Secretary of State Website.

Chairman Bryan Christ (2024) takes a photo after accepting applications for office from Montgomery County Law Enforcement elected officials.

Party Executive Committee

The Chairman of the Republican Party presides over the Republican Party Executive Committee.  The Committee includes the Chairman of the Party and the 113 Chairs of the 113 Montgomery County voting precincts.  In this Committee, the members can collaborate on countywide efforts and create Party sponsored events and subcommittees to further the Republican cause.

As Your Republican Party Chairman, Bryan:
  1. Presided over 100% of the properly called regular business meetings.
  2. Presided over 100% of the Steering Committee meetings.
  3. Presided over 90% of the calls for special meetings.
  4. Served on the Education Freedom subcommittee under Pastor Jerry, along with over 50 pastors and clergy.  This group traveled to Austin to promote Education Freedom in the Capitol halls with Legislators.
  5. Chaired the 2022 and 2024 Primary Election Committee, ensuring ballot access and timeliness of Secretary of State filings and reporting.
  6. Encouraged Voter Registration drives at various community events.
  7. Supported participation in community events to encourage Party outreach.
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